Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Woody’s, Boners, Hard-on’s

A blog post I read yesterday, reminded me it might be time – once again – to explain to all the young men out there what those nighttime woody’s are all about.

Those suckers pop up several times during the night and it’s all for the good. The fact we wake up with a boner is a sign of overall good health. Because those nocturnal hard-on’s feed needed oxygen-rich blood to the penile tissues. That is their only purpose. We get those same BOE’s (Blood Oxygen Erections) quite a few times in the course of a day too.

Then why do the nighttime ones turn into full-blown boners when the daytime ones just chub? There are several answers to that. 1. During the day, our minds are pre-occupied with more important things than that semi popping in our pants. Things like work, bills to pay, or any of the myriad worries that crop up in our brains. 2. Once we’ve reached a certain age (we do remember when we walked around with our peckers seemingly perpetually poking bulges), the raging hormones have leveled out; partial wood begins to pop and the sensations of movement no longer have the same effect they once did; in other words, we get used to it.

At night, while we’re asleep, our minds are no longer pre-occupied; they’re free to wander and our cocks are free to stoke up full bore. The latest theory is our dicks start to get hard and the sensations send our minds toward thoughts of sex and Bam! full blown boner and sex dreams.

This might be the perfect time to also warn you younger guys, and remind the rest of you, about the dangers we face at night. Our cocks can get caught up in loose pajamas or boxers, they can get trapped in briefs or boxer briefs…and from there all it takes is rolling over and “crack, pop” goes the sheath in our cocks – it’s why we call them boners, even though there’s really no bone in them – and that leads to scar tissue and plaque build-up which is the major cause of a bent cock (go read the post Bent Wood).

There’s nothing odd about waking up with morning wood – or morning glory, as they are sometimes referred to. There’s nothing to be ashamed of, no reason to think you have to hide it from anyone. Any person that sees your morning boner should be well aware of why your cock is standing at attention.

I was fifteen when I started sleeping in the nude; my mom would come in to wake me for school and there I would be, in my usual position, spread-eagle with my cock hard and hovering over my abs; she had a husband and two sons after all, so it came as no surprise. I was eighteen when I went into the military and slept in a barracks with 39 other men; Sarge would come in, flip on the light, and yell “Up! Everyone up!” and by golly he wasn’t kidding! 40 boners went running to the latrine. Every barracks situation throughout my military stint was the same: men woke up with hard cocks. After the military came the college dorm rooms. The first roommate got all red in the face when he realized I’d seen his woody pushing out against the boxers he slept in. I got him straightened out in a hurry – first about not wearing anything below the waist to sleep and then to stop being embarrassed about waking up with a hard-on.

Our dicks are supposed to get hard; it’s what they do. Waking or sleeping, as long as you aren’t in a social setting where it would be cause for concern (at a wedding, an office meeting, or a kid’s birthday party, say), if you start to pop a bit of wood, it’s pretty normal. Don’t let it bother you or get you all flustered.
Accept it. It’s part of a man’s life.

Embrace it. It’s a sign of good health.

Enjoy it. It’s there to give pleasure.

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