Thursday, April 4, 2013

Manscaping = STD?!?!

Hair removal from the male body has become known as Manscaping. Though it has been practiced for many years in some forms (mostly by cyclists and swimmers to reduce drag) it went mainstream with the popularity of the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy television show, when they told their audience it promotes a more "groomed appearance, makes some things, like bellies, look smaller and 'other things' (head nod to the crotch) look bigger."

Now, the practice is a matter of personal taste. Some of us prefer the groomed look and others firmly believe we should allow our bodies to remain as nature provided, no matter the degree of hairiness (light sprinkling or Sasquatch). I personally prefer a clean, smooth cock shaft and ballsac, and the rest to be neatly trimmed.

A Faithful Reader (who regularly contributes to posting ideas - and I thank him profusely!!) sent me a link to an "article" about Manscaping, which makes the claim that it spreads a viral STD. I'd long been contemplating doing a post on this, but this provided the impetus to finally do one. Now, because I like blogging and don't want to be shut down (again), I won't name [company] names.

This "STD" is called Molluscum and, after carefully reading through the article, it makes sense to a certain degree - I can see how yanking the hair out via waxing (or similar type of removal) could leave "microscopic" wounds. Give them a couple days to heal and transmission through skin contact would be a non-issue. Other forms, such as laser, or mild depilatories do not leave open wounds - or shouldn't if done properly! However, it [the article] immediately becomes suspect because the site sells (and promotes within the article, providing links to the purchase page) OTC health supplements to boost the immune system. And becomes even more suspect when it claims that simple trimming, or "clipping" as she puts it, will also lead to transmission.

Upon further investigation, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), "Molluscum infections occur worldwide but are more common in warm, humid climates and where living conditions are crowded. ... Although not limited to children, it is most common in children 1 to 10 years of age. People with weakened immune systems (i.e., HIV-infected persons or persons being treated for cancer) are at higher risk for getting molluscum ... Molluscum can be spread from one person to another by sexual contact. The virus may also be spread by touching a surface with the virus on it, such as a towel, clothing, or toys. ... these infections are not routinely monitored because they are seldom serious and routinely disappear without treatment. ... " (Italics (for clarification) and bold type (for emphasis) are mine.)

Though the article is correct that it is "spread through sexual contact," it positively is not, and can not be, classified as an STD. She quotes a "study" of 30 patients in France to make her case but that certainly does not qualify as a legitimate medical study - in any sense of the term.

One statement in her post is untrue - at least as far as I've been able to find - regarding the regrowth of hair after laser removal. It does take a series of treatments over a period of (up to) several years to stop hair growth, but stop it it does.

Overall, I have to describe this "article" by what is known as a "scare tactic sales pitch." Always read internet "studies" with a jaundiced eye; work through them using the smell test - if it seems fishy, it probably is!

So, Manscape to your hearts content if that is your preference. 

I truly thank my Faithful Reader for bringing me another great men's issue to blog about! And, remember, if you've got an idea for a post, or a question to ask, feel free to send me a message or leave a comment!

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